Open Curriculum

A core component of the New Open Education Project is the Open Curriculum being co-designed by a global community of pioneering education innovators and people from all ages who are passionate about making learning an exciting activity.

The purpose of this Open Curriculum is to grow:
- Citizens with strong critical and creative thinking skills.
- Citizens who have discovered their talents and nourished them with knowledge and know-how.
- Citizens with strong leadership capacities who are able to build and lead teams to achieve projects and build strong communities.
- Citizens who place moral behaviour at the heart of their relationships and work for a higher purpose oriented towards serving others, solving social problems and improving the quality of life of their fellow citizens.
- Citizens who have developed a good understanding of human nature and how political, economic and geopolitical systems work.
- Citizens who have experienced creating and running social businesses.
- And most importantly citizens who live purposeful, balanced and fulfilling lives with enriching relationships.

To achieve these purposes, all learning modules should either be based on experiential learning (instead of deductive learning) or on conversation and reflection circles.

Schools will have no walls and would encompass the whole neighbourhood, allowing students to spend time with adults through job shadowing and internships to learn work in real life.

Most importantly, teachers will act as tutors and learning facilitators and not as authority figures.

A collaborative system instead of a competitive one, with no standardized testing and no ranking of students.

Students will have the freedom to attend courses that interest them and freely mingle between ages. Classes will gather students of the same abilities and level of interest instead of being grouped by age.


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